Written by Marie-Rachel Garal2024-12-02
ARCANE Advent calender
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Have a look at our previous publications so far.
Advent calender on temporal hospital networks.
- December – Donker
Donker T, Wallinga J, Grundmann H. Patient referral patterns and the spread of hospital-acquired infections through national health care networks. PLoS Computational Biology. 2010, 6(3). DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000715 - December – Karch
Piotrowska MJ, Sakowski K, Horn J, Mikolajczyk R, Karch A. The effect of re-directed patient flow in combination with targeted infection control measures on the spread of multi-drug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in the German health-care system: a mathematical modelling approach. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2023 Jan;29(1):109.e1-109.e7. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmi.2022.08.001 - December – Temime
Assab, Rania, Narimane Nekkab, Pascal Crépey, Pascal Astagneau, Didier Guillemot, Lulla Opatowski, et Laura Temime. 2017. « Mathematical Models of Infection Transmission in Healthcare Settings:Recent Advances from the Use of Network Structured Data ». Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases30 (4): 410-18. https://doi.org/10.1097/QCO.0000000000000390 - December – Crépey
Crépey, Pascal, Fabián P. Alvarez, et Marc Barthélemy. 2006. « Epidemic Variability in Complex Networks ». Physical Review E 73 (4): 046131. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.73.046131 - December – Colizza
G de Meijere, E Valdano, C Castellano, M Debin, C Kengne-Kuetche, C Turbelin, H Noël, J Weitz, D Paolotti, L Hermans, N Hens, V Colizza. Attitudes towards booster, testing and isolation, and their impact on COVID-19 response in winter 2022/2023 in France, Belgium, and Italy: a cross-sectional survey and modelling study. The Lancet Regional Health Europe, in press (2023) - December – Karch
Tomori DV, Rübsamen N, Berger T, Scholz S, Walde J, Wittenberg I, Lange B, Kuhlmann A, Horn J, Mikolajczyk R, Jaeger VK, Karch A. Individual social contact data and population mobility data as early markers of SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics during the first wave in Germany-an analysis based on the COVIMOD study. BMC Med. 2021 Oct 14;19(1):271. doi: 10.1186/s12916-021-02139-6 - December-Donker
Donker T, Smieszek T, Henderson KL, Johnson AP, Walker AS, Robotham JV. Measuring distance through dense weighted networks: The case of hospital-associated pathogens. PLoS computational biology. 2017. 13 (8), e1005622. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005622 - December –Colizza
E Colosi, G Bassignana, A Barrat, B Lina, P Vanhems, J Bielicki, V Colizza. Minimizing school disruption under high incidence conditions due to the Omicron variant in early 2022. Eurosurveillance, 28(5):pii=2200192 (2022). https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.5.2200192 - December – Temime
Nekkab N, Crépey P, Astagneau P, Opatowski L, Temime L. Assessing the role of inter-facility patient transfer in the spread of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae: the case of France between 2012 and 2015. Sci Rep. 2020 Sep 10;10(1):14910. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-71212-6. PMID: 32913244; PMCID: PMC7483561. - December – Crépey
Roux, Jonathan, Narimane Nekkab, Mélanie Colomb-Cotinat, Pascal Astagneau, et Pascal Crépey. 2021. « Time-Series Modelling for the Quantification of Seasonality and Forecasting Antibiotic-Resistant Episodes: Application to Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae Episodes in France over 2010–20 ». Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 76 (1): 226-32. https://doi.org/10.1093/jac/dkaa388 - December – Colizza
E Colosi, G Bassignana, DA Contreras, C Poirier, PY Boëlle, S Cauchemez, Y Yazdanpanah, B Lina, A Fontanet, A Barrat, V Colizza. Screening and vaccination against COVID-19 to minimise school closure: a modelling study, The Lancet Infectious Diseases 22, 977-989 (2022) - December – Karch
Raschpichler G, Raupach-Rosin H, Akmatov MK, Castell S, Rübsamen N, Feier B, Szkopek S, Bautsch W, Mikolajczyk R, Karch A. Development and external validation of a clinical prediction model for MRSA carriage at hospital admission in Southeast Lower Saxony, Germany. Sci Rep. 2020 Oct 22;10(1):17998. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-75094-6 - December – Donker
Donker T, Reuter S, Scriberras J, Reynolds R, Brown NM, Török ME, James R, East of England Microbiology Research Network, Aanensen DM, Bentley SD, Holden MTG, Parkhill J, Spratt BG, Peacock SJ, Feil EJ, Grundmann H. Population genetic structuring of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus clone EMRSA-15 within UK reflects patient referral patterns. Microbial genomics 2017 3 (7). DOI: 10.1099/mgen.0.000113 - December – Temime
Henriot P, Castry M, Luong Nguyen LB, Shimakawa Y, Jean K, Temime L. Meta-analysis: risk of hepatitis C virus infection associated with hospital-based invasive procedures. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2022 Aug;56(4):558-569. doi: 10.1111/apt.17106. Epub 2022 Jun 27. PMID: 35758763; PMCID: PMC9543323. - December – Crepey
Pascal Crépey, Marc Barthélemy, Detecting Robust Patterns in the Spread of Epidemics: A Case Study of Influenza in the United States and France, American Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 166, Issue 11, 1 December 2007, Pages 1244–1251, https://doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwm266 - December – Karch
Xia H, Horn J, Piotrowska MJ, Sakowski K, Karch A, Tahir H, Kretzschmar M, Mikolajczyk R. PLoS Effects of incomplete inter-hospital network data on the assessment of transmission dynamics of hospitalacquired infections. Comput Biol. 2021 May 6;17(5):e1008941. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008941. eCollection 2021 May - December – Temime
Smith DRM, Jijón S, Oodally A, Shirreff G, Aït Bouziad K, Ante-Testard PA, Bastard J, Bouziri H, Daouda OS, Duchemin T, Godon-Rensonnet AS, Henriot P, Houri Y, Neynaud H, Perozziello A, Thonon F, Crépey P, Dab W, Jean K, Temime L. Sick leave due to COVID-19 during the first pandemic wave in France, 2020. Occup Environ Med. 2023 May;80(5):268-272. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2022-108451. Epub 2023 Mar 13. PMID: 36914254; PMCID: PMC10176331. - December – Crépey
Nekkab N, Astagneau P, Temime L, Crépey P. Spread of Hospital-Acquired Infections: A Comparison of Healthcare Networks. PLoS Computational Biology. 2017 Aug ;13(8):e1005666 - December – Colizza
Mazzoli M, Valdano E, Colizza V. Projecting the COVID-19 epidemic risk in France for the summer 2021. J Travel Med. 2021 Oct 11;28(7):taab129. doi: 10.1093/jtm/taab129. PMID: 34414436; PMCID: PMC8499767. - December – Donker
Donker T, Smieszek T, Henderson KL, Walker TM, Hope R, Johnson AP, Woodford N, Crook DW, Peto, TEA, Walker AS, Robotham JV. Using hospital network-based surveillance for antimicrobial resistance as a more robust alternative to self-reporting. PloS one. 2019. 14(7). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219994 - December – Karch
Piotrowska MJ, Sakowski K, Karch A, Tahir H, Horn J, Kretzschmar ME, Mikolajczyk RT. Modelling pathogen spread in a healthcare network: Indirect patient movements. PLoS Comput Biol. 2020 Nov 30;16(11):e1008442. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008442. eCollection 2020 Nov. - December – Crépey
Elias, Christelle, Anna Fournier, Anca Vasiliu, Nicolas Beix, Rémi Demillac, Hélène Tillaut, Yvonnick Guillois, Serge Eyebe, Bastien Mollo, et Pascal Crépey. 2017. « Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Coverage and Its Determinants among Nursing Homes Personnel in Western France ». BMC Public Health 17 (1): 634. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-017-4556-5. - December – Donker
Donker, T., Henderson, K.L., Hopkins, K.L. et al. The relative importance of large problems far away versus small problems closer to home: insights into limiting the spread of antimicrobial resistance in England. BMC Med 15, 86 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12916-017-0844-2 - December – Colizza
G Pullano, L Di Domenico, CE Sabbatini, E Valdano, C Turbelin, M Debin, C Guerrisi, C Kengne-Kuetche, C Souty, T Hanslik, T Blanchon, PY Boëlle, J Figoni, S Vaux, C Campèse, S Bernard-Stoecklin, V Colizza. Underdetection of COVID-19 cases in France threatens epidemic control. Nature 590, 134–139 (2021)
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